Cerebellar Historical Facts

✍️ Introduction:

When you try to kiss someone, do you know which brain part decides the speed, distance and force of lip movement during a kiss? The best kiss is nothing but a fine coordinated movement of orbicularis oris muscle. Now you are thinking, who controls the coordinated movement of the lip? It is cerebellum!

✍️ Question:

Who said - “rate, range, and force of movement is governed by the cerebellum.

  1. Sir Joseph Babinski
  2. Gillman & Gillman
  3. Gordon Holmes
  4. Sir Charcot

✍️ Explanation:

The cerebellum monitors the rate, range, and force of the movement. The cerebellar diseases do not cause motor weakness but it produces unilateral in-coordination. According to Gordon Holmes, cerebellum controls the “rate, range, and force” of movement.

✍️ Answer(s):

3. Gordon Holmes

✍️ Reference:

Holmes, Gordon. “The Croonian Lectures on the Clinical Symptoms of Cerebellar Disease and Their Interpretation. Lecture II. 1922.” Cerebellum (London, England), vol. 6, no. 2, 2007, pp. 148–53; discussion 141.

✍️ Bonus Pearls:

Do you know about Sir Joseph Babinski? He is was a French neurologist. He first discovered the famous Babinski Sign or Babinski Reflex in 1896. For more read the post about Babinski Reflex.

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